Program Design page
This section explains
how to get an overview of the cash aid program, cash aid delivery, total number of PA’s targeted and budget.
See program page¶
The Design page is an overview of your program details. This include the main metrics of your cash and voucher assistance that will be run within 121 platform. These metrics are provided by your team when creating the program in the instance. The table below give a description on the metrics used.
To overview your program details:
- Enter your program
- Click on "Design" at the top left of your screen. You will then be presented with an overview of the program setup.
Program Details setup metrics¶
The Program Details metrics translates your program requirements. The details provide the main information about the duration and location of your program, budget, targeted beneficiaries, cash aid delivery and distribution frequencies. Each of your active programs may have different metrics shown in the table below.
Further explanation about the program details metrics on the Program Details page.
Change of metrics in Program Details¶
When setting up your instance, our team will request you to share these details. These metrics can be adjusted depending on your program requirements, and can be edited over the duration of the program. For instance, the dates, frequency and duration can sometimes change while a program is running. These metrics can be adjusted upon request.
Updating your metrics
Currently it is not possible to perform any actions or change these metrics yourself in the design page. Please contact the 121 support team to help you with this.
To go to the next phase of your program process, click on the right button to open registration phase or in the menu barre. Follow the instructions on Registration
Need further assistance? Contact your dedicated Account Manager or reach our support team via email.