Read & Change Program Design

This section explains

How to read and change the metrics in the Program Design.

Read the Program Details metrics

The Program Details metrics translates your program requirements. The details provide the main information about the duration and location of your program, budget, targeted People Affected, cash aid delivery and distribution frequencies. Each of your active programs may show different metrics in the table below.

Program Details

Type Description
Title Portal Title of the program. For instance, "Multipurpose Cash" or "Joint-Response"
Start and End date Information about the start and the end of your cash program
Location Country or region in which the program takes place​
Financial Service Provider (FSP) Number of FSP integrated or registered in your instance
Distribution Frequency Frequency of payment emission (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)
Distribution Duration Number of payment rounds that will be issued over the program duration
Transfer Value Number of FSP integrated or registered in your instance
Total Project Budget Number of FSP integrated or registered in your instance
PA targeted Total number of beneficiaries that are targeted by this program
Last updated + Date Date and Time for the last update of the table

Change the Program Details metrics

When setting up your instance, our team will request you to share your program details. These metrics can be adjusted depending on your program requirements, and along the duration of the program. For instance, the dates, frequency and duration can sometimes change while your program is running.

Updating your metrics

Currently it is not possible to perform any actions in the Program Design or change these metrics yourself. Please contact the 121 support team to help you with this.

To go to the next phase of your program process, click on the right button to open registration phase or in the menu barre. Follow the instructions on Registration

Need further assistance? Contact your dedicated Account Manager or reach our support team via email.