Payment page

The Payment page allows you to oversee the payment status for all included beneficiaries in the program and execute payments.

Who can perform actions in this page?

Finance Manager and Finance Officer roles can perform actions in the Payment page.
Additional users may be granted only View permission on this page. Learn more about Users & Roles

Process and execute payments to PA

In the 121 Platform, payments can be processed with two different methods:

  • Send and Reconcile manual payments by exporting a payment instructions file. You pre-process the payment within 121 by including the selected PA in the payment round, then download the payment instructions to be sent to the FSP and later reconcile the payment data. Further instructions on the manual payment page and manual reconciliation page.
  • Execute an instant payment directly within the 121 Platform. A direct integration to the FSP automates the payment and reconciliation. Further instructions on this page

Overview of payment status

In the Payment page, you will find the overview of included beneficiaries in the program. Depending on the program phases, PAs can have different statuses. The overview is particularly interesting for:

  • Finance Manager and Finance Officer to keep track of payment statuses, successful and failed ones.
  • Whether CVA Manager and CVA Officer to keep informed and follow wether or not a PA is receiving cash support.
  • For donors that may want to view the ongoing payment processes and deadlines as required.

Find out more about the payment and PA statuses on this page

Export payment reports

For financial audit, financial and payment reporting for all transactions can be exported as an excel file. You can track and trace any successful and failed payments, and also share the reporting to donors that may require additional information about the running Cash Program.

Find out more about the payment reporting and activity on this page

Delivery Mechanisms

The 121 Platform enables multipurpose cash. The Platform focuses on digital cash distribution, mainly mobile money and bank transfers. If the Financial Service Provider (FSP) supports digital vouchers and/or physical cash distribution, these payment methods can be activated in the 121 Platform.

You will be able to execute payments with one or multiple delivery mechanisms depending on your program settings and enabled payment by the FSP.

Category Description
FSP Portal For non-integrated FSP and universal cash distribution methods. Manual export of payment instructions to upload into the FSP portal and reconciliation of payment data into 121.
Bank Wire Direct bank transfers issued with 121 platform to beneficiaries (integrated FSP)
VISA debit card Direct transfers and top-up to VISA debit card (integrated FSP). Allows conditional and unconditional modalities.
Mobile money Direct transfers to mobile wallets.
E-vouchers This is an electronic document with a specific amount and dates that support and authorize financial transactions at designated locations. These are sent via Whatsapp.

In cases physical cash payment may be a better approach, these options can be discussed on a case-by-case basis with our 121 Team.

Integration with local FSP

The 121 Platform has integrated with a certain number of local FSP and aggregators. Additional local FSP can be integrated upon evaluation. Please, share your request with our team.

Not all FSP can be integrated with third tool software such as the 121 Platform. This can be due to lack of compatible technology or for security reasons, which case the bank refuses to integrate with any platform provider so to protect the financial data. Therefore, if you would like to consider integrating your Financial Service Provider with the 121 Platform:

  • Check that your FSP or the bank allow integrating with third party tool or external service provider platform;
  • the FSP or the bank support API protocols. An application programming interface (API) is a way for two or more computer programs or components to communicate with each other.

Need further assistance? Contact your dedicated Account Manager or reach our support team via email.