Payment reporting and activty

Audit trail can be performed in 121 for financial reporting and data changes overview at a general or individual level.

Who can perform actions in this page?

Finance Manager and Finance Officer roles can perform actions in the Payment page.
Additional users may be granted only View permission on this page. Learn more about Users & Roles

Download the financial reporting

To export a financial report:

  • Go in Payment page
  • On the top left, click on the dropdown list below Payment data
  • Select the Payment# for which you would like to export the payment data
  • Click on Export Report button
  • A pop-up window will request a confirmation.This will download an Excel file with all People Affected included in this payment
  • The file will be exported into the download folder as an excel file.

TIPS: Only download excel files when required and delete after exporting / using

Excel files should only be downloaded when required to ensure personal data is kept secure. After use, excel files should be deleted from your computer to keep personal data secure and prevent mistakes using old files. This way, you will always have the latest updated data in 121.

Oversee the Activity Overview in PA profile

Detailed payment information and data changes can be found in the Activity Overview of each People Affected profile. To access the Activity Overview:

  • Click on the PA# hyperlink of the selected PA. Or; Click on the Payment History button at the end of each PA row.
  • The profile will show all personal details and activity overview from different phases (registration, inclusion, payments)
  • In the Activity Overview, any changes or activities will be automatically logged.

You can have an overview of all activities performed in a single PA profile in the All tab, or activities for a specific action

How to read the logs in the Activity Overview?

Category Tab Description
Data changes All or Data Changes the log will show Data Changes- followed by the value or field name that was edited, the old value and the new value, as well as the 121 user account performing the change.
Payment All or payments the log will show the payment# followed with the payment status (successful, waiting, failed) and the 121 user account executing the payment. In the dropdown, the transaction date, FSP name and amount transfers will be indicated.
Messages All or messages the log will show the message template title, the type of message (SMS, Whatsapp), the sending date, the message content and the 121 user account performing the action.
Status history All or Status history the log will show the Status update, the date and time, the old and new status and the 121 user account performing the status update.
Notes All or Status history the log will show the notes history, the date and time, the content and the 121 user account adding the notes into the PA profile. A note can be added manually by clicking on Add notes button (right side)

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