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121 User manual - v24.9-3

Welcome to the 121 user manual!

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CVA Program flow

the 121 Platform is following the CVA workflow step-by-step. Find out the instructions for each phases your are working on.

  • Users & Roles

    Understand the roles available in your instance and distribution of permissions within 121.

  • Overview - the program design

    Have an overview of the program design components and metrics.

  • Create your Team

    Add team members into your program teams and assign a roles to each of the users.

  • Manage People Affected

    Oversee the list of registered beneficiaries, verify their details, include or decline their participation in a program in this section.

  • : Process the payment

    Issue the payments, reconile payments and export transaction reports for financial audit.

  • Monitor your CVA program

    In progress.

Documentations and settings

  • Getting started

    Log in the portal, SSO, reset your password and change the portal language.

  • F.A.Q.

    Read through the details about data security, financial service providers and integration with third-tool party.

Need further assistance? Contact your dedicated Account Manager or reach our support team via email.