Edit PA profile

Misspelling or double entries may occur during the registration phase. PAs details, such as phone number, may change in the course of the program. You can edit and check the details anytime during the program, following the instructions below.

Editing PAs details

Due to misspelling or double entry, you may need to edit details in the PA profile before validation and inclusion into the program.

  • Enter the PA profile by clicking on the PA# hyperlink on the left side.
  • Once in the PA profile overview, click on Show All
  • A pop-up appears with the PAs details and data collected with the registration form.
  • Search for the field to edit.
  • Type in the new value and click Save
  • A pop-up Reason for update request to fill in the reason for this change.
  • Add a reason, then Save

When the details are fully reviewed and correct, you can then mark the PA profile as validated. Follow the instructions to validate PA profile.

Reason for update

For auditing and accountability reasons, changes in PAs profile cannot be performed without indicating a reason. All data changes are logged into 121 platform with the old value, new value, reasons for update and are linked to the users email address performing the change. To enhance the audit trail, you can download the data changes report by clicking on Export and selecting Export data changes

Include PAs in program

Follow the instructions to include the PA directly in the program

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