
Below, you will find the steps to deduplicate double entries or PA registered multiple times in the same program registration list. The deduplication is currently a semi-automated process, that first requires users to check the entries in the excel file downloaded and then update the People Affected within the 121 Platform.

Export the duplication report

  • On the top right, click on the Export button,
  • Open the drop down and select the report Export Duplicate People Affected,
  • The report will be downloaded on your device as an excel file.

Duplicates are identified based on specific unique criteria like phone number or ID number. This criteria is flexible and can be chosen by the organization and changed depending on the program requirements.

Filter the duplicated People Affected

In the excel file: - Following your organization's SOPs, all duplicated entries will be listed based on the unique criteria (ID number, phone number or required criteria), - In the column duplicateWithIds, you will find the matching PA# number. This is the duplicate PA#, - You can now read the value that is duplicated in the PA# profiles, - In the excel, you can mark if this value shall be edited or the PA profile deleted depending on the duplicate reason.

Based on the program requirements, you may decide to edit the value in case this was an entry error while writing the PA details. Or, you can decline the PA profile, in case this was a double entry.

Update the list of PA

Once you have analyzed the duplication list, and decided to either edit or decline the PA profile in your duplication list, you can update the registration list in the 121 platform. Following the deduplication process, you can perform 2 actions in the People Affected page: - Edit the value in the PA profile - Decline the PA profile, in case this is a double entry for the same beneficiary.

Edit the value in the PA profile

  • Search for the PA profile by performing a Quick Search
  • Open the profile clicking on PA# on the left side
  • You will now see the history overview in the PA profile
  • On the left side, click Show All and search for the value to be edited
  • Edit the value. Click on Save and give a reason.
  • The new value is now saved.

Decline the PA profile

  • Search for the PA# (profile number) you would like to decline using the Quick Search
  • In "Choose Action, click on Decline PA** in the dropdown list
  • Tick the box on the left side of the PA profile. Make sure you only select the individual, and do not select in bulk.
  • Apply Action
  • A warning message will request to confirm the action.
  • Confirm only if you are sure to decline this PA# profile.

Did you accidentally mark a PA as declined? No worries, this is a reversible action. You can always change the PA status back to Included.

TIPS: do not save old duplicate excel record

To prevent mistakes and keep personal data secure, excel files should be deleted from your computer once your database is cleaned and updated in 121 platform. This way, you will always have your latest updated list of registered beneficiaries in 121.

Need further assistance? Contact your dedicated Account Manager or reach our support team via email.