What if I see empty page

The Registration table can be empty for the following reasons:

No new registration imported

There is no new registration since last validation round. The table will show No data

No Internet Connection

If you are using KOBO Toolbox form or an alternative registration form but do not have access to the internet, the list may still need to be updated. Although the registration tool can be used offline, an internet connection is required to start importing the registration list into the 121 Platform.

To start importing the registration list:

  • Connect to an internet network.
  • Start the upload with KOBO form.
  • Once done, refresh the registration page in your program.

Filters may be applied to the list

There may be are some filters applied to the table that might mean the PAs are not being shown.

  • Check that the filter and search bar are empty. If you see a filter shown below the search bar click the X next to it to delete it.
  • Check Status filter to the right of the search bar. ClickFilter by: Status and select All or the choose group you want to look at.

Filter Status Registered

Blank page

In case the page is fully blank and does not show the registration column, there may be a technical issue. Please contact your Account Manager or our support team to help fixing the issue.

Need further assistance? Contact your dedicated Account Manager or reach our support team via email.